Is your website no longer what it used to be, there is little interaction, has it been years since anyone actually analyzed or updated it? You don’t know where to start or which steps to follow? We can help you better understand the process!

Where to begin?
The starting point is analyzing your website’s traffic and correct any obstacle to conversions. Sounds easy, but it can be a complicated task if you take into account all the stakes involved – monetary, design, marketing, etc. Design decisions should be taken after a demographic analysis of your clients. This information will help define the color palette, languages, among other preferences.
Technical aspects
The technological aspect should also be taken into account – in the first place the website shouldn’t take longer than 7 seconds to load its landing page. This page needs to provide your potential client with all the essential information – what your brand does, how it does, and how it differentiates itself from the competition. It should also have a call-to-action (for example access to the online shop or a purchase button). Studies have shown this is the most efficient strategy because the information is organized and easily accessible.
Data collection
Your website doesn’t need to be only pretty and fast. Automation should have a vital role – track the users and generate interest. With this information it’s possible to know on which pages the uses were, how many times, if they saw the prices, even how they found your website. This information is valuable because it allows your to find problems and define new strategies and improvements.
O passar do tempo
Não podemos esperar que os websites permaneçam inalterados enquanto o mundo muda em seu redor. Mas a opinião dos peritos varia relativamente à necessidade de alterações nos websites – alguns defendem o prazo máximo de dois anos, enquanto outros referem atualizações periódicas entre três a cinco anos.
O ideal é começar pela análise do seu website e verificar se faz sentido ou não atualizá-lo. Pode até verificar uma diminuição no tráfego ou nas vendas – e perceber, sem análise prévia, que está na hora de atualizar o seu website.
Com ou sem equipa interna, nós podemos ajudá-lo! Temos uma equipa extremamente multidisciplinar e profissional, que pode implementar todas as alterações necessárias, criar um website novo para si, ou dar apoio externo à sua equipa.